by Kate Young | Oct 22, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Common Symptoms, Food Intolerances
It’s not easy to spot a food sensitivity, especially nowadays with many of our meals cooked by someone else. It’s hard to pinpoint a specific ingredient causing an adverse reaction if we aren’t even sure what’s going into our meals. Symptoms aren’t very particular...
by Donna Mastriani | Oct 18, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Common Symptoms, General Health & Fitness
Bloating is one of the most common symptoms our customers report. But common doesn’t mean you should be expected to suffer in silence. Many people suffering from a bloated stomach, you could be living with food intolerance. But regardless of what is causing your...
by Kate Young | Sep 5, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Food Intolerances
What is fortified milk? Are there any benefits and uses to drink it? If you have a dairy intolerance then you are definitely looking for milk alternatives. Other milks like soy milk and almond milk could be exactly what you are looking for. Many people use fortified...
by Kate Young | Aug 21, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Food Intolerances
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world. As you will know from reading our blogs, we like to keep you updated with what has been in the news recently… Most of us need caffeine to wake up in the morning, but some of us might have a caffeine...
by Kate Young | Jul 2, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Common Symptoms
Could you be suffering from fatigue? We’ve all been there when the feeling of tiredness has caused us to feel unwell, stressed and anxious about everything in life. But we haven’t all been there when we have felt a huge relief in identifying what is...
by Kate Young | Jun 3, 2019 | Allergies & Intolerances, Blog, Common Symptoms
Stop your pain with Sensitivity Check. It sounds easy, and it can be with an intolerance test! Understand your symptoms, your body and what may be causing you to suffer from painful symptoms, notably a bloated stomach, headaches and nausea! There are some intolerance...